Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time to End

I am so crazy busy with a toddler and a newborn, I don't have time to write posts.  I will still read your blogs, but just can't find time to write my own.  So I guess this is good-bye for now.

Friday, August 12, 2011


3 weeks ago I had a beautiful baby girl!!!!  July 14th we were scheduled for induction, well baby was head up, tried to move her, but she didn't want to move, we got sent home.  Had an apt. the following monday, baby was head down, had another non-stress test, it was irregular (only because of the way the nurse had me laying, but that is a long story)  so we had to have an ultrasound done to make sure baby was doing ok, well baby didn't "practice" breathing (which the ultrasound techs don't always catch the baby "practicing" breathing) but since they didn't see the baby breathing, we had to go to the birth center to be monitored for a couple of hours, and got sent home, because baby had a perfect heart rate and perfect peaks as they like to see.  So we scheduled another induction on the 22nd.  We go in to the birth center, do the ultrasound and baby's head is up AGAIN!!!  Geez, she didn't want to come out!  This time they gave me drugs to help with the pain of the external version, and they got her turned to head down, broke my water, and put a belly band on me and she stayed put. YAY! 7:20PM rolls around and baby's heart rate drops dramatically, a gazillion dr.s and nurses come in the room.  so the nurses put me on my left side, baby's heart rate drops even more, nurses roll me back to my right side, baby's heart rate slowly comes back up to normal (thank GOD!) baby just moved further down into the canal and pinched the cord a little.  7:50 rolls around and I feel the urge to push.  7:55 our beautiful daughter was born!  And it's been crazy ever since!  With a 2 year old and a 3 week old, oh boy it's a challenge sometimes.  Especially when I'm nursing and our son gets into anything and everything.  But I wouldn't change it for the world!  After being diagnosed with Endo 4 years ago I didn't think I would be sitting here with 2 miracles of life today.  I feel truly blessed!  And hopefully our next one doesn't take as long as #2

Friday, July 15, 2011

well, this sucks!

No baby yesterday, they sent us home.  Baby just did not want to cooperate and stay head down when the dr. came in.  We attempted to move it twice, and I KNOW it was head down after we played music for it, but the dr. didn't come into the room until AN HOUR LATER!!!  And by that time, the baby had moved back to head up :( so that's when he sent us home.

I have another apt. Monday to check on position and talk about induction again or c-section.  If baby's head is down in the office, I want him to break my water right there and then I can walk over to the birth center!  Hopefully I have that option, it's my body right?  I'm the paying "customer"

Been asking for lots of prayers that the baby does the right thing and goes head down and stays head down!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ok, so I had an apt. last Thursday, everything went well, according to plan, wait until I go into labor and go to the hospital.

We had an ultrasound yesterday to check baby's weight, and to see if it's healthy.
Baby is a shocking 6lbs 8oz (I have only gained 20lbs this pregnancy) wowza, that's TINY!  Hopefully the ultrasound is off a bit and the baby is a little bigger than that. Everything else looks GREAT the baby scored an 8 out of an 8 on kidney function, heart function, breathing, and so on.  BUT!  Baby was breech, head up, NOT what we wanted to see or hear...I started doing things to help the baby move head down like playing music near my lower abdomen to make the baby move head down likes doing flips!

Today we had an apt. to go over the results of the ultrasound, and for my weekly check up.  And to hopefully hear the heart beating telling us the head is down..but he did an ultrasound and said baby was oblique, but moved the baby to head down, and it seems like baby is wanting to stay head down for now!  And we scheduled an induction for put my mind at ease about baby flipping on me so that's that and we will be a family of 4 on Thursday!

Pray baby stays head down!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Apt. went well

I am still concerned about not gaining enough weight, only up 18lbs!  Doc says it's just fine though, because I am gaining weight.  I have steered away from my "diet" a few days last week, because I wanted to put on more weight, been eating more ice cream...shhh!  

Baby is kind of diagonal, but head is down, so half breech, hopefully that changes in the coming weeks.

We get to see the little bean again on July 11th, so we'll get to see how big he/she is, and see fluid levels, and to see if baby's head is in the down position.

Baby's heart rate was in the mid to upper 140's jumping from 143 to 148, so still hopes for a girl :)

going to start my non-stress tests at 36 weeks, and I think I'll have them weekly until the baby is born.

all in all everything is going well with the pregnancy, but today I seriously dislocated my tail bone, and it's very hard to walk, all just by taking the dogs out to go potty!  I hope it heals quickly!

another appointment in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

33 weeks!!!

I am so sick of people saying "You're so TINY", With my son, I was on the other end of the spectrum being HUGE, and people would say "OMG!  You have HOW many more months left"??  I think it gets to me a little more though this time, because sometimes I feel like people don't think I eat, when in all reality, I eat MORE, I just choose my foods wisely this time around, I pick an apple with peanut butter over a candy bar or ice cream, or I'll eat more veggies for dinner instead of loading up on pasta...Yes, it's because I have to stick to somewhat of a diet, and not everyone knows that I'm gestational diabetic, but they don't need to know!  Yes, I've only gained 17 1/2 lbs so far, but I know my baby is eating healthy, and that's better for him or her than being bigger and packing the fat on the baby! 

The last couple appointments the heart rate has dropped from in the 150's to the high 130's mid 140's, I'm still hoping for a girl, and I slip every so often saying she, but a part of me is thinking boy, because the heart rate is now how my son's heart rate was.  I guess we'll see.

All in all, Doc said I was doing great, and my thyroid levels were still normal! 

Only 7 more weeks!

Monday, May 16, 2011


my dr. apt. went VERY well today, had some questions, got some answers, and now I feel good about everything.  I asked if my T4 levels were good along with my TSH levels, and they've been really good, last time a little on the high side, but still in normal range...I have to get my blood tested again in the next couple days, hopefully it's still in the normal range! 

I also asked if I would get another ultrasound because of my hypo and my gest. diabetes, and he said I would get another one for the diabetes, but not for the hypo, which makes sense, because the most important time for your levels to be in the good is at the beginning of the pregnancy and everything looked fine on our last I will get to see our little bean again around 36-38 weeks which is in 7-8 weeks!!!  Plus he said I would have gotten an ultrasound around then anyway because baby J was 10lbs when born, so he wants to see how big this baby is a few weeks from delivery. 

it's so nice to hear that my OB is not worried about my diabetes at this point...and that I'm a person that he trusts with my numbers!  I have only gained 14lbs so far, and he wants me to gain another 10 in the next 10 weeks.  At this rate hopefully I do gain the 10lbs, because that would put me at 24lbs for the whole pregnancy, and he wants me to be at 25-40, but he says I am still good for weight gain. 

I don't have anything to worry about, for now!